An Infamous Preacher (Not that you would know he was religious) once said that Black People CANNOT be racist because racism requires control and black folks have no power. White People Have All The Power!

Well, that chicken has come home to roost as another Racist Pastor, Reverand Jeremiah Wright once said. Black Lives Matter has shown the entire country WHO has the power. Major chain stores are falling all over themselves trying to please the black god of BLM in hopes they will be spared the cleansing that is due for all Evil White People. (That’s ALL of us)

Who has the power NOW? The Real Racist, that’s who! Black People!

And “Hows that working for ya,” major chain stores, businesses, major sports leagues, and teams. Even when they kiss black ass for that little pat on the head, they find, just as all kiss-ups find, there’re no better than the rest of the white privileged racist people in America.

Their stores are looted and burned as fast as any. And then you have the idiot CEO’s saying they understand the anger of the law-breakers.

OMG Becky, are you Shitting Me? I root for the kiss-up to see the reality of their foolishness. Kiss-up and watch it burn to the ground. Good choice CEO. Your shareholders must be real proud of you.

And Major Sports, well that’s a different animal. Let’s see you pay those black athletes 3-4 million a year when your stadium is 20% full. Hope it comes out of your pocket. It Should! And let’s not forget that whole kneeling thing. Or the racist advertising on sports ware. You owners HAVE NO CONTROL any longer. They Own YOU! (And your little doggie too)

And let’s not forget the Liberal DemonRat Politicians in cities and states across the nation. You want to dissolve police departments, don’t you? What is your alternative for normal folks? Call a Rioter?

And yet, you live in private, gated, secure communities, don’t you? You have ARMED bodygards at your convinced but for us, guns are evil. Sounding a lot like the start of WWII, doesn’t it?

Hitler said, “To conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens.” That would be the DemonRats.