Ever get an email from a friend or associate that quotes a price in writing like 29$? I know, WTF is that? When did America change the way we write about money? I know, when Millennials started writing about money, that’s when.

I’m Old-Fashioned but come on, the $ sign has been used to distinguish money amounts since 1785. That’s 236 YEARS! Not exactly a NEW thing, is it? But along comes a generation that thinks it is permissible to CHANGE the way America thinks and writes about something as important as the money system!

So, I have a Millennial associate that I communicate with about once a month. I received an email from him that had a dollar amount listed as 25$. You know what’s coming. I called him and asked what that meant. I could hear his deer in the headlights thinking as he asked what “I” meant. I repeated slowly, What Does 25 $ sign mean? He explained it was Twenty-Five Dollars. So I asked why the dollar sign was at the end rather than at the beginning. He repeated Twenty-Five DOLLARS and added that dollars are said at the end so the $ sign belongs at the end, too. I was kind and let the silence linger.

This kid is a college graduate. 12 years of schooling and 4 years of University brainwashing, and he is oblivious to where the $ sign goes. WTF, again! Now I know this is not One Kids Opinion. This is a shared delusion based on 12 to 16 years of Liberal Education. But I must ask, WHY would educators, presumably older adults, teach this horse crap to young people? And who in the administration sanctions that crap? AND WHY teach it at all? To what end?

Last point, an Internet search did not reveal anyone that thought writing money amounts this way was fine, OK, or a step in the right direction. The best comments found were suggesting that other countries in the world do it that way. Well, there’s a reason to change 236 years of American Pie! Because other countries do it? Ya, and many of those countries still crap in a hole in the floor with 10 other people crapping in their hole in the floor. When is America going to rise to the level of sophistication of the rest of the world?

I hope, NEVER, that’s when!

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