At first glance, you MIGHT agree with this statement but then the Patriotic side of you might say, “Everyone has a right to freedom of opinion”, right? If someone disagrees with you, who cares? Free Country, RIGHT?

Well, apparently NOT so free! A creative bunch of Americans went on college campuses and ask the young and dumb Liberal Trainees a simple question. “If someone REFUSES to take the Covid Vaccine, should they be imprisoned till they finally agree to the Death Jab”? OK, the Death Jab phrase was not a part of the question. I added it for obvious reasons.

Without hesitation, 90% of those young skulls full of mush responded YES, YES a hundred times YES! Imprison the Bastards! And of course, our Commandant and Chief agrees, but only after you resist while being held down and impaled with the needle of death!

Other than an EXECUTION, when has America ever advocated injecting a person with what might be a possible lethal concoction, AGAINST THEIR WILL? I tell you, NEVER. Now in Nazi Germany, ahh YA! Is that where we’ve gone?

Consider that we have a REPORTED 40,000 deaths from the Covid Vaccine but also consider that whenever possible they blamed the death on other causes. IF you are dying from the Vaccine but you might have the flu, you die from the flu. Let’s not taint the real numbers with the facts. I bet there are a lot of vaccine deaths labeled as “Mystery Meat” deaths. Just Saying!

On a recent radio talk show, a caller said, “It’s not a matter of personal choice, it’s a matter of patriotism”. Several callers called in to agree. Then a caller gave a different point of view. He asked why he is labeled as Un-Patriotic by disagreeing with one person’s opinion.

If I said broccoli is Un-Patriotic, does that make it so? But wait, the Commandant and Chief said exactly the same thing. It’s NOT about personal choice, it’s all about accepting his opinion or you will pay dearly. I think that means we will all be imprisoned and used as Covid Vaccine test subjects.

Can you say, Heil Hitler?