Well, the Commandant has Decreed that all employers with 100 or more employees MUST Vaccinate those employees or fire them. The logic is flawless (NOT)!

Biden said the new requirements would help “protect vaccinated workers from unvaccinated coworkers.”

So if you have 100 employees and 50 of them are vaccinated and 50 are not, SUDDENLY the 50 vaccinated employees are at risk of getting Covid from the unvaccinated employees. Wait a minute, I thought if you were vaccinated you ARE protected from unvaccinated people! BUTT, the reality is that even AFTER you get the vaccine, you can STILL get Covid, you can STILL pass it on to others and you can STILL die from it. What am I missing here?

BUTT Wait, there’s More: USPS (United States Postal Service) workers are exempt from Biden’s new order.

The USPS has over a half-million employees and they are all exempt from the Covid Vaccine decree from our KING!

APWU (American Postal Workers Union), one of the unions representing those postal workers quickly blasted Commandant Joe’s decree with this statement: “While the APWU leadership continues to encourage postal workers to voluntarily get vaccinated, it is NOT the role of the federal government to mandate vaccinations for the employees we represent.”

Apparently, the USPS has the balls to stand up to the Commandant! But Wait: are we to assume that it IS the role of the Federal Government to MANDATE Vaccinations on the rest of America? Again, WHAT AM I MISSING HERE?

Soooooo, why did YOU get vaccinated? To feel good? To feel safe? Or to be one of the sheep?

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