So back in Mid-year 2020 America experienced a PEACEFUL Movement by the Marxist Organization of BLM (Burn, Loot and Murder)!

105 days of Looting, Rioting, and Burning was called a Peaceful Protest by Government Officials and the press across the nation.

BUTT; On January 6th, 2021 there was a 12-hour protest/movement in Washington DC and the Liberal Press and most Liberal Government employees immediately called THAT protest an INSURRECTION.

Let’s think about that. 105 days of Burning, Looting, Rioting, and MURDER is peaceful and justified but 12 hours becomes a government takeover.

I guess IF you say long enough that the color green is really yellow, in time people will start to believe it. That’s what Sheeple do! Tell them the sky is falling and they will run for cover. I like to call it the inability to think for yourself also known as GULLIBLE! And Brain Washed also comes to mind.

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