First off, I don’t give a shit who you sleep with or what you do when you’re not sleeping, BUT, here’s a story:

An advertising business owner friend of mine recently had a disturbing phone call. He was asked if he had any problem designing and providing various LGBTQ advertising pieces. My friend sensed something fishy was coming and he was right. His response was that he would provide anything that a customer requested without exception, PERIOD! He then asked what advertising materials needed to be quoted.

The response was, interesting. He was told there was no need to quote because their organization is Just Checking to see if local businesses would discriminate against them if they DID want something.

He was then asked if he would be willing to place LGBTQ posters in the windows of his business. He stated that he gets this type of request all the time and has a policy of refusing those requests, All Of Them. He also added that they were able to confirm his position by simply looking at his business windows. NO advertisements for anyone, any organization, or any event.

Now we get to the good stuff. He was told that IF he refused to place LGBTQ posters, he would be put on “THE LIST” of businesses that discriminate against the LGBTQ movement. This of course is AFTER he said he does NOT discriminate against anyone. The caller also said that protest would be organized, and his business would be picketed with volunteers until he finally agrees to the BLACKMAIL, (my word)!

OK, his response is Priceless.

He said, “Go Ahead and picket as long as you want.” He added that he would turn it into a giant press exposure and given that the LGBTQ community is only 5.6% of the US population, he would expect his business to DOUBLE almost immediately with sympathizers.  He concluded by saying, “This has been the greatest phone call I’ve received all year. Thank You and, when can I expect your protesters?”

Funny, No One ever showed up!